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First aid when you are not at home

Illness or injury is the last thing you want when you’re on holiday. But it’s easy to cut yourself on a seashell or graze your leg when climbing. Avoid the need to search for a pharmacy in a foreign country by taking a first aid kit with you.

First aid travel kit list

The basic components of a travel first aid kit are the same as a first aid kit at home but may have to be adapted according to your destination or individual needs. Don't forget to pack your personal supply of prescription medicines, medical supplies, over the counter medicines, supplies to prevent illness or injury and medical documents. Depending on the area you are travelling to, you should consider seeking medical advice regarding travel vaccinations.

Expert wound care by Leukoplast:

Leukoplast® aqua pro

Waterproof yet breathable wound dressing protecting against water and contaminants.

Leukoplast® Leukomed® T plus

Skin-friendly sterile dressing with wound pad for small to medium-sized wounds. 


Medical tape with high adhesive strength for dressings of all types and sizes.