Prevention of wound infection

Open wounds – especially large or deep ones – are a gateway for various types of germs like bacteria or fungi that can enter the wound and impede the healing process.

Observing hygiene

For the prevention of wound infection, it is important to maintain a clean and hygienic environment: clean the wound and the area around it, use sterile dressings to protect the wound. 1

Leukoplast offers a dressing with a bacteria-binding wound pad that can remove germs from the wound with each dressing change.

An infected wound and its symptoms

  • becomes more painful
  • is warm to touch
  • looks red or swollen
  • leaks pus or blood
  • has an unpleasant smell
  • general deteriation, feeling unwell
  • If you notice signs of sepsis 2

If any of these signs are present or your wound is not healing you should contact your healthcare professional.

Medical references
1 Wounds UK (2020) Best Practice Statement: Antimicrobial stewardship strategies for wound management. Wounds UK, London
2 International Wound Infection Institute (IWII) Wound infection in clinical practice. Wounds International 2016

When in doubt, see a medical expert

Many common wounds can be dealt with at home. But when should a doctor be consulted? Scroll down for more information!

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Expert wound care by Leukoplast:

Leukomed® T plus

Skin-friendly sterile film dressing with wound pad for small to medium-sized wounds.